Avantage & Acomba

Lumen & Avantage / Acomba Integrations

Integrations are available between Avantage/Acomba and Lumen's e-commerce site! The integrations allow you to have access to Lumen's catalogue as well as order from Lumen directecly from your system.

The link below will lead you to a video that explains both integrations.

If you use Avantage or Acomba and would like to integrate with Lumen, please send an email to estimation@acceo.com.

Need technical support?

If you are already integrated and need technical support with Avantage or Acomba, please enter a support request here: https://acceoestimation.com/en/support-form/ 

If you are already integrated and need technical support with Lumen's eCommerce website, please go to support.lumen.ca and click on Contact Customer Support.


Thank you! 





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